The work includes heating, ventilation and air conditioning plant repairs, roof replacement and repairs, and repainting of the Alexandra building’s plastered exterior, the report from council property and facilities officer Christina Martin said.
There was no budget for the work, and $52,875 was being requested from the Central Otago District Council’s "General Development Alexandra Investment Account", Ms Martin’s report, which will be discussed by the VCB on Tuesday, said.
The rest of the funding would come from the Central Cultural Centre Trust ($55,000) and reallocation of funding in the council’s 2018-19 budget ($34,800).
The report said the four areas of Butynol roofing on the building, which opened in 2005, needed replacing, as the Butynol (a waterproof membrane) had deteriorated and there were now leaks in the building. If the replacement was not done this year, it was recommended a tarpaulin be put over the affected areas before next winter.
The exterior plaster cladding of the building had also cracked, and needed urgent repair and painting. If this was not done soon, water entering through the cracks could affect the framing of the building.
More engineering investigations also needed to be done into structural issues around the museum’s garage due to water leaks, the report said.
An additional report from engineering firm Beca Ltd about the heating, ventilation and air conditioning of Central Stories recommended various assessments and potential upgrades.
Reinstatement of the building’s existing systems would not provide "the expected environmental control", the Beca report said.
The CODC last year took over formal ownership of the Central Stories building from the Central Cultural Trust, which has about $55,000 left in its trust account.