More fizz sought for beer festival

Organisers hope to breathe new life into Alexandra’s struggling craft beer festival.

The Central Otago Craft Beer Festival has been held in the town for five years, organised by Promote Alexandra, most recently on Waitangi Weekend this month.

At a Vincent Community Board Meeting last week  the new marketer of the event, Jason John, said it was  time to look at the festival with fresh eyes and make it "more accessible and sustainable".

Former organiser Martin McPherson stood down from the role last week. Promote Alexandra chairwoman Liz Perkins said this year’s event attracted fewer  than 600 people. About 1000 were required to make a profit.

The group  hoped to reach 1000 visitors next year, 1500 the year after and a maximum of 2000 in 2020. This would mean the event could turn a profit next year and become completely self-sustaining in three years.

Board member James Armstrong said the event had been "struggling for years".

"You’re saying next year is year one, but it’s not year one. Every year it’s been subsidised by other places."

Mrs Perkins said the "great idea" of a home-brewing competition was adopted "half heartedly" this year and did not happen.

Organisers planned to push the competition next year, as well as other measures, including attracting a more diverse range of food and making the event more family friendly.

Board member Claire Goudie asked if the board approved funding that the committee would do all it could to turn a profit.

"There have been some great ideas in the past which haven’t been adopted."

Mrs Perkins said the group would not be asking for money if it thought the event was run to the best of its ability.

"We aren’t happy with the way it was run in the past. It’s not our intention to keep running it at a loss."

It could not go ahead next year without the board’s funding, she said.

Board member Brian Fitzgerald said the idea would soon be snapped up by Cromwell if Alexandra did not run it.

The board approved the $6500 requested for next year’s event.

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