Marriage 60 years solid after watery start

Grace and Forbes Knight celebrated their 60th wedding anniversary yesterday. Photo by Liam Cavanagh.
Grace and Forbes Knight celebrated their 60th wedding anniversary yesterday. Photo by Liam Cavanagh.

Grace Munro married Forbes Knight during duck-shooting season in 1955, and almost became a widow a week later when he had a mishap in the Waipori River.

While Mrs Knight was in the car waiting, Mr Knight went up the river and shot five or six ducks which then floated down the river.

Mr Knight crossed the river to retrieve the ducks but realised he was in trouble when he reached the other side.

He had landed at a spot where the river was deep and had a ''reasonably strong current''.

''I thought, how the hell am I going to get back across?''

He tied the ducks to his waist and went into the bush, where he found a large stick which he used to steady himself as he waded into the river.

He went as far as he could, then pushed himself off the stick and managed to make it to the other side.

''I was a bit lucky.''

Despite their marriage being threatened for the sake a few ducks, the Millers Flat couple celebrated their 60th wedding anniversary yesterday.

Mrs Knight, who declined to give her age, was a teacher at Balclutha Primary School and Mr Knight (83) co-owned the transport company Millers Flat Carrying Co when they were engaged, but neither could remember exactly how they met.

They were married at St Andrew's Church in Balclutha, in the middle of rugby and duck-shooting season, and later moved to Millers Flat, where they remain today.

Mrs Knight said she was initially unsure about the idea of marriage but after Mr Knight took her to the ''peaceful'' Waipori Falls, it was enough to ''sway'' her.

When asked the secret to a long and happy marriage, she said it was simple.

''Give and take.''

The Knights have three children, six grandchildren and five great-grandchildren.

They all live in Otago.

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