Joint approach on problem campers

A joint effort is the only solution to solving problems with irresponsible camping in Central Otago, those charged with managing the issue say.

Representatives of Land and Information New Zealand (Linz) and the Central Otago District Council (CODC) met in Alexandra on Thursday after Central Otago Mayor Tim Cadogan called the meeting to discussing increasing problems at some camping areas, including a lakeside area at Bendigo.

Mr Cadogan said it was not all freedom campers that caused problems, just ``irresponsible campers''.

He said the meeting was ``clear and frank'' and ``positive''. Linz had acknowledged there was an issue and the two organisations would combine forces to tackle the problem.

Linz acting group manager Crown property Raymond Morgan also said the meeting was positive and said Linz was ``committed to working together with the council and other agencies to better manage camping, as it will take a combined effort to tackle the issues''.

Various ideas for new strategies had been suggested, Mr Cadogan said. Those ideas would not yet be released, but Linz and the CODC were going to research the options and meet again in a month for more discussions.

Mr Cadogan said it was thought an increase in tourism nationally was partly responsible for an increase in campers. Rules that banned campers from some areas had also created ``extra pressure'' in areas where they were permitted to camp.

``We've solved one problem but created another.''

Mr Morgan said Linz had increased the maintenance services provided by its contractors in camping areas and was ``satisfied'' with the services provided.

Linz would also investigate what else it could do to enforce the rules at camping areas, Mr Morgan said.


What is the disconnect here?do councils and those responsible for these areas not realise they are being taken advantage of by these feral, freedom freeloaders.Why is it that that rate and taxpayers have to pick up the cost of supporting these people? What about the cost to Holiday Parks many of whom lease their Parks from the same councils who require them to adhere to all sorts of health and safety and other compliances,yet let the freedom campers poop and wee and prepare were ever they like. Time to take of the blinkers and realise we are being had.