Ice, snow sport groups seek name

Amie Pont
Amie Pont
Come up with a cool name to cover the three winter sports facilities in Naseby - that's the request.

The committees which run the Maniototo Ice Rink and Luge and Maniototo Curling International, based next to each other in Naseby, want ideas for a name which encompasses all three.

Project Maniototo co-ordinator Amie Pont said the "umbrella" name should reflect the location, encompass future development and highlight part of the complex - the curling rink - was open year-round.

"The name also needs to be highly marketable and create an appropriate image in our growing tourism industry."

Any suggestions would be gratefully received and the final title might be a mix of ideas, she said.

Tourism groups would also be asked for their opinion.

While each facility was a separate entity, they joined forces for the Naseby Ice Festival, and the new name was another way in which they would work closely together.

Community radio station Burn 729am is acting as the collection point for ideas, and people were asked to register their suggestions by the end of this month.


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