Health company chairman confident facility funding can be found

Stuart Paterson.
Stuart Paterson.
The board chairman of Maniototo’s community health company is confident it can raise the $5 million required for a health facility development, but it will require community support.

At 8pm on  Tuesday  Maniototo Health Services will hold a community meeting at the Ranfurly Town Hall to discuss plans  to join the town’s hospital and rest-home into one building.

The company has run both facilities since 2012.

Board chairman Stuart Paterson said he was confident the money could be raised, but it "would not be easy".

"We’ll certainly need the support of the community, but I think we can get there."

The company already had some money set aside for the project, but he did not want to reveal how much.

The town’s sole GP, Dr Verne  Smith,  said it sounded as though the money was a long way from being secured.

"They’re saying $5million in two years; time, which seems to me a bit optimistic, but maybe they know something I don’t.

"I have no knowledge what they have sorted out in terms of funding streams, or what they’ve got tucked away in the bank."

Dr Smith’s practice is located in the hospital but  would  move into the current rest-home building after the redevelopment.

The example of Tapanui combining its rest-home and medical centre meant perhaps it could be done, he said.

"The Maniototo has always been very good at fundraising from within."

This week Maniototo Heath Services manager Geoff Foster said if funding could not be raised, it would consider commercial loans.

Dr Smith said although he had no real preference, this "seemed unwise".

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