Green waste reignites after fire

Green waste at the Cromwell transfer station reignited yesterday evening after smouldering for the previous two days.

Cromwell Volunteer Fire Brigade Station Officer Steve Coup said it was a deep-seated compost fire.

Firefighters had dealt with a fire at 3.30am on Wednesday and an excavator was operating yesterday to prevent heat building up in the green waste piles, SO Coup said.

Firefighters dampen down hot spots at the Cromwell transfer station yesterday after a fire...
Firefighters dampen down hot spots at the Cromwell transfer station yesterday after a fire reignited. PHOTO: SHANNON THOMSON

Yesterday’s fire, about 5pm, came just 20 minutes after the digger had left for the day, he said.

A fire ban applies in Cromwell amid dry conditions and the fire danger is rated high.

Cromwell resident Robyn McDonald, who lives in a bus, said she saw flames out of the window.

"We’ve had smoke coming for a couple of days." — Additional reporting Grant Miller