'Get out': Judge scolds father and son over chewing gum

Judge Michael Turner told a man and his son to leave the courtroom because they were chewing gum. Photo: Getty Images
Judge Michael Turner told a man and his son to leave the courtroom because they were chewing gum. Photo: Getty Images
Chewing gum got a man kicked out of court. Hours later, it was his father's turn.

Judge Michael Turner ordered Nigel Thomas Bennett (39) out of the Alexandra District Court yesterday when he was seen chewing in the dock.

But when Bennett returned, Judge Turner noticed Bennett's father, who was sitting in the public gallery, was also chewing gum.

''Get out'', Judge Turner told the father, who looked confused and had to be told several times to leave the court.

''You saw your son get into trouble for the same thing and you come back and repeat it,'' Judge Turner continued.

Bennett then said he had not been chewing gum while he had been in the dock.

''Well you were chewing something,'' Judge Turner said.

Bennett was remanded to reappear in the Alexandra court on November 19.

He has pleaded guilty to assault, in Cromwell, on August 10; and disorderly behaviour likely to cause violence, and, having been detained by police proposing to issue a police safety order, refusing to remain at the scene, both in Cromwell, on July 8.

He has also pleaded not guilty to threatening a woman in Cromwell on September 9.



Judge Michael Turner Much much respect, Lets hope other judges follow suite and enforce such standards that are sadly missing from a lot of areas