Generosity of residents praised

Maniototo Health Services Ltd chairman Stuart Paterson stands in what will be the main lounge  of...
Maniototo Health Services Ltd chairman Stuart Paterson stands in what will be the main lounge of the new Maniototo hospital and rest-home facility. Inset: John Mulholland. Photo: Pam Jones
The Maniototo Health Services Ltd chairman has again praised  local residents for their contribution to the  hospital rebuild, following a donation of $250,000 from Lions clubs.

Stuart Paterson said the Maniototo Lions Club and Ranfurly Maniototo Pakeke donated  $250,000  to the hospital rebuild on Thursday  which  would go to the medical centre within the hospital and rest-home complex.

He said it was a "magnificent" effort and praised the   Lions clubs for both their fundraising and securing a contribution from the international Lions movement.

John Mulholland
John Mulholland
Maniototo Lions Club president John Mulholland said the  clubs had raised $113,000 over the last five years from projects such as auctions, catering and fat lamb competitions, initially saving the money, "waiting for a big project to give it to", and then directing all funds raised to the hospital rebuild.

The Lloyd Morgan Trust, the Lions’ national charitable arm, had donated $12,000, and Lions Club International donated $125,000.

The  26-room hospital and rest-home should be completed by Christmas, and it was hoped residents and patients would be in the facility by February, Mr Paterson said.

The existing rest-home "chalet" building would be refurbished to house the medical centre, which would include rooms for Ranfurly’s GP, visiting specialists and allied health professionals, a dental room and a Well Child/Tamariki Ora area.

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