Generosity of golfers to benefit palliative care

Funds from an Alexandra Lions Club golf tournament will go towards buying another pressure care...
Funds from an Alexandra Lions Club golf tournament will go towards buying another pressure care mattress for palliative care patients. Studying the special mattress at Dunstan Hospital this week are (from left) Dunstan Golf Club captain Barry McCall, Alexandra Lions Club president Simon Lewis, Dunstan Hospital manager Carol Horgan, nurse Ann Moore, nursing services manager Debi Lawry and occupational therapist Scott Harrison. Photo by Lynda Van Kempen.
A special mattress will be added to the palliative care equipment at Dunstan Hospital thanks to the efforts of players on the nearby golf course earlier this year.

Proceeds from a charity golf tournament run by the Alexandra Lions Club were presented to Central Otago Health Inc, which operates services at Dunstan Hospital. The $3000 will be used to buy a pressure care mattress for palliative care patients, hospital manager Carol Horgan said.

The hospital has two of the special mattresses and will buy a third.

"Then we'll have one which can be used at the hospital and two which can be loaned out to palliative care patients to use in their own homes," Dr Horgan said.

The mattresses were designed to make patients more comfortable.

Dunstan has a room and a family room set up to cater for a palliative care patient and their family. District nurses and occupational therapists based at the hospital also made home visits to such patients, she said.

The tournament at the Dunstan course in March attracted 76 golfers and was likely to become an annual event, Alexandra Lions Club president Simon Lewis said.



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