Fruit sculpture likely to stay put

The existing signs around the big fruit sculpture at the entrance to Cromwell are likely to be...
The existing signs around the big fruit sculpture at the entrance to Cromwell are likely to be removed but it seems the fruit will be remaining in its present location. Photo by Lynda van Kempen.
Cromwell's big fruit seems set to stay where it is.

The giant apple, pear, nectarine and apricot sculpture at the State Highway 8B entrance to the town is no longer on the move, in the latest town centre redevelopment concept plans.

The Cromwell Community Board will consider design plans today for the next stage of its $3.1 million town centre revamp, which includes the area around the fruit sculpture.

In June last year, one of the options for that area showed the big fruit moved to a new site, close to Murray Tce.

This time, the only option being considered by the board shows the fruit remaining in its existing location.

A report by the Central Otago District Council's property and facilities manager, Mike Kerr, said the big fruit reserve area was next in line for redevelopment, now the northern side of the mall car park and the eastern entrance were almost completed.

Mr Kerr said feedback had been sought from community groups and although there were conflicting views, some of the suggestions had been included in the design.

Some more fine-tuning would be carried out after the concept plan was adopted and it would go back to the board for approval in about a month.

Estimates had to be finalised and work was likely to begin on the project in October, with completion in early December, he said.

Wildflower beds, stone walls and trees with seating underneath are among the landscaping suggested in the new concept plan.

The giant fruit sculpture was built by the Cromwell Rotary Club and handed over to the local authority in 1990.

Designer Otto Muller, of Ripponvale, came up with the idea to acknowledge the contribution the fruit made to the Central Otago economy.

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