The proposed Alexandra retirement village has cleared another hurdle on its way to becoming a reality.
The non-profit charitable trust Leaning Rock Village Inc wants to build a retirement village between Molyneux Estate and Alexandra Golf Course, situated partly on land owned by the Central Otago District Council.
The trust had indicated it was keen to acquire and develop the council land along Dunstan Rd after the Vincent Community Board had invited the market to register interest in September last year.
The board met on Tuesday to consider the response received and agreed to allow a further 12 months for the trust to ''do their homework'' on its proposal and that no other interest from other parties be considered in that time.
Board member Barrie Wills was positive about the trust's proposal and the time allowed for the trust to research the proposal was ''reasonable''.
''I would really like to see this development go ahead.''
Other board members also viewed the proposal in a positive light: Barry Hambleton said it was a ''golden opportunity'' and Brian Fitzgerald said it was ''something that was going to benefit the whole community''.
Within the 12 months the trust would have to provide further details, including securing right to land held in trust, an aged care provider, a feasibility study for the proposed development and confirmation or indication of fair market return on the land to council.
The board members and Central Otago Mayor Tony Lepper also briefly spoke about options for disposal of the land to the group, including the possibility of gifting land to the trust.
About 250 people turned up to last week's meeting held by the charitable trust in support of the new retirement village.
Russell Checketts, the spokesman for Leaning Rock Village Inc could not be contacted for comment, but said last week said support from the board over the land would help the project progress.