Council surveying Highlands 101 impact

The economic impact the Highlands 101 motor-racing event had on Cromwell and the wider district is being studied by the Central Otago District Council.

The meeting at Highlands Motorsport Park near Cromwell last weekend drew an estimated 25,000 people, and accommodation and food providers in the town reported being at capacity.

Some said it was their busiest weekend for the year.

Council economic development manager Warwick Hawker said about 20 people carried out the survey, which canvassed about 480 people, at Highlands on Saturday.

A range of questions were asked, including age, whether they were visitors to the area, where they were staying, how long they were staying for, and anticipated expenses.

Mr Hawker said it would be ''a couple'' of months until a report was completed, giving staff time to analyse the results.

The report would look beyond direct expenditure at the effects on the wider economy.

It would be similar to a report produced by the council on the Alexandra Blossom Festival in 2008.

Although conducted in conjunction with Highlands, it was ''very much'' a council initiative to find out what the event meant to the economy of Cromwell and surrounding areas.

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