Conservation festival returns

Musicians leave the stage during last year’s Taiari Wai River Festival. PHOTO: RUBY SHAW
Musicians leave the stage during last year’s Taiari Wai River Festival. PHOTO: RUBY SHAW
The Tiaki Maniototo Taiari Wai River Festival is set to return this Saturday after a successful 2024 event.

This is the second year the annual festival — which organisers believe is the first freshwater conservation-focused music festival in New Zealand — has run.

Freshwater group Tiaki Maniototo said they hoped the festival, held at the old school in Pātearoa, would provide the opportunity to engage with the local community about the freshwater ecosystems of the Taiari/Taieri River.

The aim of the festival was to provide a focal point for the Taiari community to gather, learn and celebrate their river with a mix of science, music, food and community.

Skin and Bone will be guests at this year’s festival. PHOTO: SUPPLIED
Skin and Bone will be guests at this year’s festival. PHOTO: SUPPLIED
Artists set to perform at the event included Franco-American singer-songwriter Tess Liautaud as well as New Zealand artists Jessie Shanks, Mads Harrop and Dunedin group Skin and Bone.

The family event would also host events related to freshwater conservation and would provide visitors with the opportunity to learn and get involved.

Catchment and conservation groups from around the district had been invited to set up stalls.

Space had also been made available for craft and food vendors.

The festival would begin at noon and run until 5pm, free entry.