Club keen to start trail park work

Cromwell Mountainbike Club president Alex Bartrum. Photo: Marjorie Cook
Cromwell Mountainbike Club president Alex Bartrum. Photo: Marjorie Cook
It is time to pick up the shovels and build Cromwell’s first mountain bike trail park at Shannon Farm.

Now that private plan change 14 has been approved by the Environment Court, the Cromwell Mountain Bike Club is keen to sign up members and get cracking with its trail network project.

The project will be presented at a club membership launch next weekend.

The 14km trail project has been three years in the wings, waiting for the conclusion of mediation between developer Infinity Investments Group, landowner Cherry Corp and the Central District Council.

The Environment Court issued a consent notice on April 8 and the final step in the plan change was completed when the council received the consent notice this week.

The outcome permits a new 142ha development zone, "rural resource area 5", at the 244ha Shannon Farm in Ripponvale Rd.

The Environment Court consent notice paves the way for 160 rural lifestyle lots next to a 29ha cherry orchard.

The trails will be built above the residential zone.

"We have exciting multiple opportunities developing, but these things take time," club president Alex Bartrum said this week.

"Our Shannon Farm project is particularly exciting, as once developed, there will be world-class, mountain-bike-specific trails in riding distance of Cromwell town. The underpass being developed by Infinity Investment Group under State Highway 6 will ensure safe access."

Trails would range from grade 3 (intermediate) to 5 (expert).