Christmas community lunch first

Cromwell will hold its first community Christmas lunch this weekend.

The free picnic-style event will be held on the grounds of the Presbyterian Church.

''It will be very loose'', says Cromwell woman Christine Hansen, who explained the idea came about because her family ''couldn't agree on what to do'' for the holiday.

''I have about three families in Cromwell and they couldn't make a decision. We'd been talking about doing something like this for a few years.''

Food was mainly being provided by her family, but church members also had been ''very generous'', she noted.

She said the lunch would probably attract seasonal workers. She hoped it would start a tradition.

It could ''easily cater'' for 100 people, but she would like people interested in attending to contact her so she could estimate numbers.

Many people said they were keen to volunteer for the event, which would start at 1pm, Mrs Hansen said.

The Christmas church service would be held that morning for those interested.

Previously, the only community Christmas lunch in the region was held in Alexandra. That event will be held at noon at St Enoch's Church, Alexandra.

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