Central Stories to continue with photo opportunities

Central Stories summer photographic competition runner-up O le Termnuwong with his photograph ...
Central Stories summer photographic competition runner-up O le Termnuwong with his photograph "Rahui-Ora" and winner Olwynne Oliver with her photograph "Cooling Off".
Central Stories has completed all four seasons in photographic competitions run during the past year and a-half, but the Alexandra museum intends to have more, exploring a range of subjects.

As the competitions have proved so popular, it has been decided to hold different competitions at least twice a year, with each one having a special theme.

Director Brian Patrick said staff had been thrilled with the response to the people's-choice voting, with 379 votes received for the summer series. The votes were counted on May 5.

‘‘That's a lot of votes and it's been increasing each time,'' he said.

A total of 42 photographs was entered for the latest competition, which went on display on April 4.

‘‘The theme was summer, and not only summer - this year's summer,'' Mr Patrick said.

Thirteen votes separated winner Olwynne Oliver and runner-up Ole Termnuwong, both of Alexandra.


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