Cellar door gains beer sale consent

Scott Base cellar door manager Carolyn Murray enjoys a a glass of pinot noir in Cromwell...
Scott Base cellar door manager Carolyn Murray enjoys a a glass of pinot noir in Cromwell yesterday. The cellar door will soon also sell Moa beer after being granted resource consent to do so. Photo: Jono Edwards.
A potentially precedent-setting resource consent allowing beer sales at a Cromwell vineyard’s cellar door has been granted.

A Central Otago District Council hearings panel decision released this week  gave consent to Scott Base vineyard, in McNab Rd, to sell wine and Moa beer both on and off site.

The vineyard is owned by Alan Scott, whose family runs many New Zealand vineyards and the Moa craft beer brand.

The cellar door holds wine tastings and carries an off-licence for wine at present.

In a report, planning consultant David Whitney said allowing beer sales would establish a "significant precedent" and recommended that part of the consent not be granted.

The hearings panel disagreed in its report,  saying that consent would not create a precedent as the vineyard had a "particu-lar connection" to the  the Moa brand and the beer would be offered as a secondary option to people  visiting the vineyard.

At a hearing in Alexandra last month cellar door manager Carolyn Murray said wine would still be its focus, but it wanted to sell the beer brand to attract groups whose members included those who did not like wine.

These changes would allow the business to be more sustainable, as most current visitors did not buy bottles of wine, she said.

The decision was granted with 13 conditions.

One restricted the business from erecting signs on site advertising the sale of Moa Beer.

The consent also allowed it to hold 26 functions a year with up to 140 people.

The business will still require a separate liquor licence to be able to sell beer.

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