Liam Cavanagh spent five minutes with Alexandra Matariki celebration organiser Louise McKenzie this week and asked her five quick questions about the event at Alexandra Airport tomorrow, from 7am to 9am.
What is Matariki?
Maori New Year. The theme for the Alexandra celebration this year is the importance of waterways in our country.
There will be a karakia (welcome), presentations and discussion, viewing of the stars through telescopes, and a hot barbecue breakfast.
Who is running the event?
Te Ao Huri, a Maori community group based in Manuherikia Whanui (Alexandra and surrounding areas), in partnership with Uruuruwhenua Health and funding from Auahi Kore (Smoke Free) and the Lottery Grants board.
You have two guest speakers involved. What will they be focusing on?
Bubba Thompson, of Ngai Tahu from Awarua (Bluff), will be talking about the health of our waterways in the south.
John Wilkie, our second guest, will be talking about protecting the eel population in some of the Waitaki waterways.
Why the airport?
Because it is a better place for looking at the night sky.
Who can come?
Everyone is invited to participate.
Tatou tatou. Naumai. Haere Mai.
You will be rewarded with a free, hearty breakfast.