Couple 'gutted' after caravan trashed

Winton couple Mary and Keith Cooper stand in front of their damaged caravan in Alexandra...
Winton couple Mary and Keith Cooper stand in front of their damaged caravan in Alexandra yesterday. PHOTO: PAM JONES
A Winton couple say they are "gutted'' about the vandalism of their holiday caravan, which they considered their "second home''.

Keith and Mary Cooper were informed on Saturday of the vandalism to their caravan, which was stored on land on the edge of the Alexandra Tourist Park, near the Alexandra cemetery. Two other caravans were also vandalised.

Senior Constable Arnold Hooykaas, of Alexandra, said the damage was thought to have occurred on Friday night, and it was "heartwrenching'' for the families affected.

Mrs Cooper said she and her husband came to Alexandra yesterday to inspect the damage.

One of the windows in their caravan had been smashed and it appeared people had entered through that window because the door was still locked.

Whoever it was had rifled through everything, pulled multiple items out of cupboards and drawers on to the ground, written obscenities in black marker pen on the bench counter and scribbled on the fridge.

Toothpaste, hair products, salt, pepper and tea and coffee had been tipped out on to the ground. The bed had been used and used condoms left behind. Empty beer bottles were left inside and other bottles smashed outside.

Mrs Cooper said they were "gutted'' and angry about the damage.

"It's an invasion of our privacy. This was our other home. It's made us lose our trust in some people.''

They said they wanted answers and hoped the police would find out who had done the damage.

Another caravan near theirs had its windows pried open, and a third caravan was "completely trashed''. The windows of all three caravans have been taped up.

The Coopers, who used to stay in their caravan for 1 to 2 weeks every Christmas holidays, said they were recording the damage for insurance purposes and tidying it up. They hoped it would be possible to repair the broken window, and were still hoping to have their annual caravan holiday in Alexandra.

Alexandra police (03) 440-2500, Crimestoppers 0800 555-111.

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