Cadogan criticises Aurora over drop-in advertising

Tim Cadogan
Tim Cadogan
Central Otago Mayor Tim Cadogan has given Aurora Energy another serve following a largely unattended drop-in session in Alexandra this week.

Only a handful of residents attended a community consultation session hosted by Aurora staff in the town on Wednesday, despite the region facing significant price rises.

Earlier in the day, Mr Cadogan said the public session had been poorly advertised.

The Central Otago-Wanaka district faces increases of 23% on an average annual power bill between 2021 and 2024, under Aurora’s proposed lines price increases, compared with 16% increases in Dunedin and Queenstown.

Mr Cadogan has since contacted Aurora’s senior management to express his disappointment for the company’s lack of effort to make residents aware.

He told the Otago Daily Times he was annoyed the company did not send a reminder on the day over its social media channels, opting to share a Christmas recipe instead.

"I have made it very clear to Aurora executives that any thought it may have that the poor turnout reflects the lack of community concern about the proposed price hikes would be totally erroneous.

"If such were to be conveyed to the Commerce Commission, I would be making it very plain that this is not the case."


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