Board hears pool feedback

Four people have expressed their views on a new Roxburgh swimming pool as part of the Central Otago District Council's Long Term Council Community Plan (LTCCP).

Their submissions were considered by the Roxburgh Community Board yesterday.

The board has agreed on an outdoor heated pool to replace its existing facility, but the plans have not been finalised.

An amount of $1 million has been allowed in the LTCCP for the project and the board hoped the pool complex would be run by a trust, rather than its operation being funded through rates.

Eulalie Rae hoped the pool project came to fruition but was disappointed plans for an indoor pool had been scrapped.

John Rowley said the project should proceed immediately and should include a six-lane therapeutic pool.

"To defer the pool for at least two years will inevitably mean today's $1.5 million pool will increase and maybe cost two or three hundred thousand more," Mr Rowley said.

Pat Kerr supported the replacement pool being on the present pool site and said the concept plans that had been circulated were "pleasing to the eye".

Hazel Scott-Marshall suggested a small, less expensive pool and said there should be no ratepayer funds put towards the pool's running costs.

The Roxburgh ward had many elderly people and an elaborate pool complex would be a "white elephant" and too expensive for retired people to use, she said.

• The board agreed to a $653 grant to the Roxburgh and Districts Squash Club. The one-off grant was to help the struggling club with operating costs. Club chairman Andy Reed said the group was doing its best to keep the game of squash alive.

• A grant of $4000 was approved for "Welcome to the Teviot Valley" signs that the Roxburgh and District Community Plan Working Party wants to put in Roxburgh, Millers Flat, Ettrick and Lake Roxburgh Village.

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