Board delays consultations

The Cromwell Community Board recently met behind closed doors to discuss its town centre project.

Board chairwoman Anna Harrison said the meeting was to keep the board in the loop as part of the governance structure set up for the project.

The Cromwell town centre project is part of the Cromwell master plan, which began in 2018 and approved the process, funding and procurement approach for the project.

Four workstreams were identified: the spatial framework, the Cromwell Memorial Hall — now under way — the town centre and the civic facilities.

Extensive consultation was held on the master plan and funding included in the 2021-31 LTP.

However, as a result of the economic climate and the cost increase in building the town hall, the council decided to consult the community on the town centre through the upcoming 2025-34 LTP.

At the same time, in a separate resolution, the council also decided that negotiations for property purchases for the Cromwell town centre project should cease until the various options for the town centre were worked through and approved by the council and that those options would form part of the LTP.