Art exhibition organised to help elevate status of arts

Preparing for the school’s art exhibition at the weekend are Cromwell College students Tayla...
Preparing for the school’s art exhibition at the weekend are Cromwell College students Tayla Frith, 17 (left), and Hannah Kerruish, 16, with head of art Ashlee Carr who came up with the idea of a public exhibition to showcase the students’ work. PHOTO: SUPPLIED
A plan to elevate the arts to the profile sport has at Cromwell College will take a leap forward with an art exhibition this weekend.

College head of arts Ashlee Carr said the school board had arranged for a review of the arts programme following a similar examination of the sports curriculum.

The review resulted in an arts technician and arts co-ordinator being employed.

Extra help was very welcome, especially as arts co-ordinator Mary Mansell started just days ago in time to help hang the works for the exhibition, Miss Carr said.

She had been posting students’ art on social media all year.

The exhibition was a logical step from there.

"It’s mana-enhancing for the kids."

A range of mediums including photography, print making, painting and visual art would be displayed and for sale.

Students would be charged a 10% commission on their sales, towards the cost of staging the event.

It would show them how things worked in the commercial world, although galleries would charge a significantly higher fee, Miss Carr said.

As well as visual art Miss Carr was responsible for music and performing arts.

The exhibition will be open to the public on Saturday and Sunday from 10am-3pm in the school auditorium.