The board gives the group $5000 a year but art deco festival organiser Edna McAtamney and entertainer Bill Acklin asked through a submissions to the Central Otago District Council draft annual plan for the amount to be raised to $10,000.
Mearl Caskey, who made a submission on behalf of the Southern Victorian Charitable Trust and herself, said the committee needed to have financial assistance it could depend on from year to year.
The trust has given the festival organisers more than $15,000 a year from gaming machines at the Ranfurly Lion Hotel.
"We believe the importance of the art deco weekend to the local community could not be emphasised enough.
"While we are happy to support it when we can, it is inappropriate to suggest that a gaming machine society should be the long-term automatic supporter," Mrs Caskey said in her submission.
Staff advised that the board at estimates time had agreed to fund $5000 for the art deco event and any increase would impact on rates.
After a discussion about the financial information supplied, which was only in draft form, the board voted not to increase the present allocation.
Gerald Dowling asked for the car park outside the Maniototo International Curling Rink to be sealed as a priority, as more visitors were expected with the opening of the luge track, and three notable events were planned soon.
Staff said the council realised it was an important recreational asset but suggested the board consider the request along with other identified priority sealing and footpath works during the LTCCP discussion.
The board supported sealing in principle and it will be considered in the LTCCP 2009-10 year.
The board has rescinded a previous resolution passed in July 2000 which permitted an area of land within the Maniototo Park Domain to be used by motorcyclists.
The area had recently been proposed as a possible site for the Ranfurly recreation park, incorporating a junior and senior BMX track and skateboard park.
That was put on hold when it was realised it had earlier been officially designated as a motorcycle track, although it was not often used for that purpose.
The board will seek permission from the Crown to have the land reclassified as recreation and vested in the Central Otago District Council.