The next Teviot Valley Wearable Tartan Art Awards event has been put back a year, as organisers also consider the future of the Teviot Tartan Time festival.
The Tartan Time committee was committed to holding another wearable arts event, but the future of the broader Tartan Time festival was still to be decided, Teviot Tartan Time committee member Teresa Bennetts said.
The wearable arts awards were held in 2014 and 2016 as part of Teviot Tartan Time.
However, the committee that ran Tartan Time week and the wearable art awards had decided it was not possible to organise the next wearable arts awards for 2018 and it would instead be held in 2019, Mrs Bennetts said.
The committee was determined to see Tartan Time through to its 10-year anniversary in 2019, ''but its continued existence beyond this date will require the help of some new committee members'', it told stakeholders.
When asked if the format of Tartan Time might be altered or if the festival might not be held after 2019, Mrs Bennetts said the committee would discuss the festival's future in the leadup to the 2019 festival.
This year's Teviot Tartan Time will be held from September 15-17.