Dunstan High School maths teacher Helen Adams was in the UK as her mother was unwell and so, unusually, did not go to the national conference of the New Zealand Association of Mathematics Teachers.
After receiving the text she contacted a friend who had been at the conference and asked if it was true.
It was the top honour for maths teachers, like winning an Oscar for maths teaching, she said.
This year, just four were given out nationwide.
Her involvement with maths associations began when she was working in the Bay of Plenty.
As president of that association she organised annual professional development days for teachers and competitions.
She had always loved maths conferences, which were held every two years, attending her first one in 1997 after arriving from the UK.
"I was blown away with the creativity and the enthusiasm, it was inspirational the way the workshop leaders . . . were explaining fun ways to teach maths," she said.
After a few years she became one of the workshop leaders, presenting at national conferences and also for the Otago Mathematics Association.
She had worked across schools in Central Otago as part of the Kahui Ako — made up of Dunstan High School and the contributing primary schools — to support maths across all the schools.
Ms Adams has taught at Dunstan for six years, and next year will be the head of maths at Cromwell College.
She had been head of maths a few times but stepped down to "enjoy being at the chalkface".
"But now I think I need a challenge again."
Her nomination for the Jim Campbell Award was for her commitment to personal and professional growth.
"Her passion, commitment and innovative teaching methods have inspired and empowered students, colleagues and the wider community, making her a true asset to the field of mathematics and statistics education,"it says.