Mayors call for action on ECan

Canterbury's mayors have jointly called on the Government to act promptly on a report which recommends Environment Canterbury (ECan) be split in two and its council replaced with a temporary commission.

The damning report, requested by Environment Minister Nick Smith and Local Government Minister Rodney Hide, is highly critical of ECan, saying its performance on water policy and management falls well short of what is essential.

That failure requires comprehensive and rapid intervention by the Government to protect and enhance both regional and national wellbeing.

The report recommends establishing a Canterbury Water Management Authority to administer water management and leaving ECan to carry out other regional council functions.

The 10 mayors, including Waitaki Mayor Alex Familton because part of the Waitaki district is administered by ECan, met in Christchurch on Wednesday to discuss the report.

Last year, they had written to the two ministers outlining their problems with ECan, which prompted the review.

After the forum, the mayors issued a joint statement which said the review of ECan fairly addressed the concerns they had about its performance.

They broadly agreed with the direction of the report.

The mayors want the Government to take immediate steps to address the serious issues raised in the report and implement its recommendations.

"Careful management of the environment and progress in the efficient management of Canterbury's water resource is essential for future growth and prosperity of the province," they said.

They believed any Government intervention must be consistent with the direction of the Canterbury water management strategy, prepared by the mayoral forum in conjunction with ECan and stakeholders.

They also emphasised their councils wanted an opportunity for input into long-term water management in Canterbury.

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