Irrigation of extra 8200ha approved

The Morven Glenavy irrigation scheme can now irrigate more land with the same amount of water it takes from the Waitaki River.

Environment Canterbury (ECan) has granted the Morven Glenavy Ikawai Irrigation Scheme five resource consents, which allow it to irrigate 8200ha in addition to the 18,500ha originally approved, using the 330 million cubic metres of water the scheme extracts from the Waitaki River.

The company sought the extra consents to cover an increase in the area it can irrigate.

The decision said improvements in efficiency meant more land could be irrigated with the same amount of water.

Already, an additional 3700ha has been irrigated under extensions by the company, but not covered by its resource consents.

The new consents allow for this, plus another 4500ha in the future.

The company said the additional irrigation could increase farm income by $25 million a year, with up to 60 additional jobs.

New consents will also be of benefit to the lower Waihao River, which can run dry during summer.

They allow the company to release water into the Waihao River from two discharge points, to augment the river flow.

ECan received 89 submissions on the consent applications, with 85 supporting the proposals.

Two submissions were opposed and the others were neutral.

Company director Robin Murphy said the area of the scheme had gradually increased, with efficiencies.

Improvements made included replacing structures, constructing new races, lining races to prevent leakage and automation of the gates.

On-farm improvements to border dykes and conversion to spray irrigation had also saved water.

The ability to discharge by-wash into the Waihao River was critical to the operation of the scheme, but was also recognised by the community as beneficial.

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