Council prunes rates increase

Craig Rowley
Craig Rowley
The Waimate District Council shaved almost 1% off its predicted rates rise when it set its rates and passed its ``business as usual'' annual plan at the end of last month.

The council decided on a 3.98% overall rate increase, on June 27, slightly less than the 4.92% increase indicated in the 2015-25 long-term plan.

Waimate Mayor Craig Rowley said the infrastructure-focused annual plan included some money set aside for the development of the district's economic development strategy.

``That is sort of the sexiest part of it, I guess you'd call it,'' Mr Rowley said. ``Not so many new projects this year, it was just tidying up and carrying on as per usual.

``We have tightened [the belt] a wee bit, but we have managed to find a wee bit for the economic development strategy, which is sort of the focus going forward - revitalising the district and identifying where we can get things churning a wee bit better.''

The council's new projects include: upgrading roading and stormwater systems in Waimate to minimise flooding; replacing the single-lane weight-restricted bridge on Pareora River Rd; a new public toilet block in Waimate; Victoria Park playground renewal; Norman Kirk Memorial Swimming Pool boiler replacement; and the economic development strategy development.


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