New Zealand’s new trade minister is a busy man. Just weeks after taking office in late November, Todd McClay was also elected as vice-chair for the upcoming 13th Ministerial Conference of the World Trade Organisation (WTO).
A major gathering of trade ministers from the WTO’s 166 members, "MC13" will take place from February 26-29 in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) capital of Abu Dhabi.
This is not the first time McClay has held the vice-chairman role — he was also chosen for the job when he last served as trade minister in 2017. He will be one of three vice-chairs at the summit, to be chaired by UAE trade minister Dr Thani bin Ahmed Al Zeyoudi.
After accepting the role in December, the New Zealand minister said his priorities included removing fisheries subsidies, reforms to the WTO’s dispute settlement process and getting "a better deal for agricultural exporters".
New Zealand, a big food producer, was a major winner in the 1990s Uruguay Round of the WTO’s forerunner, the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT). That deal put limits on state subsidies for agricultural products.
But as more countries joined the WTO, momentum began to dissipate. From the early 2000s, New Zealand increasingly focused on signing bilateral trade agreements instead. The first of these was signed with Singapore in 2000 and the latest, with the European Union (EU), was signed last year.
Still, the sheer size of the WTO means that the potential gains there remain immense. While bigger agreements have remained elusive, from New Zealand’s perspective there are still enough occasional small-but-significant wins to sustain a belief in the WTO’s overall mission.
But McClay may need to hold some difficult conversations in Abu Dhabi because India and the United States — two countries with which Wellington currently wants much closer relations — are probably the two biggest single barriers to progress at the WTO.
Since 2017, the United States has blocked the appointment of new judges to the WTO’s appellate body over a belief that its rulings were overly unfair to it. The strategy has effectively rendered the WTO dispute settlement process pointless, as there is no way for appeals to be heard.
Notably, Joe Biden has continued with an approach closely associated with Donald Trump.
For its part, India’s position on "public stockholding" — governments paying farmers above-market prices for grain in the name of food security — is one of the big agricultural stumbling blocks. Essentially, India and around 80 other developing countries would like to see changes to the WTO’s 1995 Agreement on Agriculture to legitimise the public stockholding process. This agreement, achieved in the Uruguay Round, limits farming subsidies in developing countries to no more than 10% of the value of agricultural production.
By contrast, developed countries — represented in the WTO by the "Cairns Group" that includes New Zealand as a member — tend to see the public stockholding programmes as distortionary and as chipping away at the letter and spirit of the 1995 agreement.
While very different in nature, both the appellate body and public stockholding issues threaten to undermine the drive for trade liberalisation backed by New Zealand and embodied by the WTO.
In the year to September 2023, the total value of New Zealand’s goods exports to the world fell slightly for the first time in nearly a decade. Globally, world trade declined by around 5% last year — while trade barriers are being imposed at an ever-increasing rate.
WTO reform could help to reverse the trend.
But so far, New Zealand officials have been reluctant to publicly call out their friends over their approach to the WTO.
Following a change in New Zealand’s government from the centre-left to the centre-right, there are now even more reasons not to rock the boat. In a speech to the US Business Summit just days after becoming foreign minister in November, Winston Peters said "there are few relationships that matter more to New Zealand than our relationship with the United States,".
Both countries are looking to work together more closely on defence, particularly in the Pacific and New Zealand is now seriously considering joining the second pillar of the Aukus defence pact.
Against this backdrop of deepening NZ-US relations, US intransigence over the appellate body issue is something of an inconvenient truth. To that end, Peters made no mention of the WTO issues in his speech.
Meanwhile, Christopher Luxon called for much stronger ties with India on the election campaign trail last year. He is expected to follow through on a pledge to visit the country during his first year in office.
This is partly driven by New Zealand’s desire to forge closer trade links with what is now the world’s most-populous nation, particularly after neighbouring Australia signed a limited free trade deal with India in 2022.
But it is also motivated by the current desire among Western countries to see India as a potential counterweight to China. The Indo-Pacific terminology now in favour in Western capitals is one reflection of this, as is the "Quad" arrangement that links Australia, India, Japan and the United States.
While attention has so far focused on New Zealand’s potential role in Aukus, New Zealand may also become the subject of renewed interest from the Quad. Wellington joined a trial ‘Quad Plus’ meeting on Covid-19 response in 2020, when Winston Peters was last serving as foreign minister.
Trade is increasingly clashing with geopolitics, but back in Abu Dhabi, there are some reasons for optimism, and the UAE’s hosting of the summit may provide an opportunity to push for bold moves forward.
Al Zeyoudi, the chair, is framing MC13 as a "pivotal meeting that is set to define the future of trade", and the UAE is unlikely to be happy with a stalemate or merely nonbinding commitments.
Moreover, WTO ministers committed at the last Ministerial Conference in 2022 to restoring a functioning dispute settlement process by 2024. It may be a case of now or never.
For Todd McClay, the WTO meeting may also bring other benefits — such as an opportunity to build closer ties with the trade-friendly UAE. The UAE invited New Zealand to enter talks on a bilateral Closer Economic Partnership Agreement (CEPA) last year. The move was partly driven by a lack of progress on New Zealand’s free trade deal with the wider six-country Gulf Co-operation Council that has been in the works since 2006.
McClay travelled to the UAE in January to discuss both bilateral engagement and MC13 with the UAE’s Al Zeyoudi — a chance for valuable one-on-one face time.
Overall, it must be said that expectations for the WTO’s Ministerial Conference are low, but this could be an advantage.
We could see some surprises. — The Democracy Project.
- Geoffrey Miller is a University of Otago PhD candidate and the Democracy Project’s geopolitical analyst.