Debating ins and outs of worldly headlines
In today's "World Focus" section of the ODT (6.1.25) the headline says "US plans $US8b arms sale". Then in the section there is an article: "More going hungry as rich countries tighten belts."
I just don't get it. The world has money for people to kill each other but there is not enough money to go around to feed people. It just doesn't make sense to me.
There is a horrendous photo in the above article of people begging for food but the rich countries say sorry we have to cut our budgets back but if you want bombs we can sell you some.
Humanity needs to press the pause button and stop and think what are we going to do to help those in need.
You have to give your editorial staff credit for consistency in continuing their anti-Israel stance into the new year, as exemplified by their screaming Billions to Israel to bomb children headline on the cover of today's "World Focus" magazine.
How many pro-Palestine anti-Israel news items, feature articles and opinion pieces have you published since October 7, 2023, and how many pro-Israel anti-Palestine pieces?
My guess would be hundreds, and none.
["Billions to Israel . . ." was not the "World Focus" headline: it was a banner being carried by the protesters in the main photograph. The ODT has run dozens of letters and opinion pieces on the Palestine conflict, from people on both sides of this debate. Editor.]
Homes for all
I was disappointed to read dog racing representative Allen Bryce claim the industry homes every greyhound that finishes racing. (Opinion ODT 3.1.25)
For instance, between 2020-21 and 2022-23, 336 greyhounds were destroyed due to "aggression," illness, or injury and an additional 231 died due to accident, illness, or natural causes.
Further, per a 2023 Racing Integrity Board report, the number of greyhounds entering the industry and awaiting adoption increased between 2019-20 and 2022-23 while the number of adoptions decreased.
In other words, greyhounds have been piling up in kennels and on adoption waitlists because the industry refused to stop overbreeding dogs.
Thankfully, Racing Minister Winston Peters decided to call time on this inhumane industry. Mr Peters launched New Zealand’s first Greyhounds as Pets adoption programme in 2006 because he wanted every greyhound bred to be homed.
Nearly two decades later, he had the courage to conclude that far too many dogs were still being injured, and that this industry was incapable of homing every dog it produces.
And just last month, the RIB found greyhound trainer Lisa Cole claimed to privately home eight greyhounds, but instead falsified paperwork so that the whereabouts of these greyhounds is unknown.
We are grateful legislation has been passed to ensure all greyhounds will be protected from harm during the transition.
There is now an opportunity for everyone to work together to find a home for every single greyhound that needs one.
[Allen Bryce is not a dog racing representative, he is the independent chairman of Greyhound Racing New Zealand's animal health and welfare committee. Editor.]
Address Letters to the Editor to: Otago Daily Times, PO Box 517, 52-56 Lower Stuart St, Dunedin. Email: editor@odt.co.nz