Having faith, spirituality can help you be at peace


Year 12 The Catlins Area School

Spirituality may sound so boring to you but it can bring a deep sense of value in your life. What’s more, it can also enhance your mental health.

I’m going to talk about spirituality, and the way that it can make a difference in the world. Spirituality can keep you motivated and give you hope.

What does spirituality mean?

Spirituality means different things to different people. For some people, spirituality is attached to a church. I think that it is also about believing in something that is not visible. It can be about culture and connecting with people in the past who can be role models for how we live our lives today.

People find many ways of finding peace in themselves, such as through medication and yoga. If they find peace in themselves they can bring this to other people.

I’ve seen some signs which keep me believing and wanting to embody key values like being kind and making a difference to myself and others. To me, spirituality is about believing or having my faith in something that impacts me as a person. For example, I am a Christian and I believe in God. I believe that He made the world and that He’s the God of all things. I also believe that He’s always been there and has been watching over me.

In my country there is a saying "Fa’avae i le Atua Samoa", which means that Samoa is founded on God, which is very important for me and my culture because it doesn’t really matter what church we go to — it’s that we all believe in the same God.

No matter what situation or event, we start and finish with a prayer for luck and peace.

But everyone has different beliefs and I also believe in the importance of this.

I also believe that spirituality is important for everyone because it has the capacity to lift us all. You know how the world is these days. The world isn’t the same anymore.

The streets don’t feel as colourful and bright as they used to be. People can be so cruel. Kindness? I think some people have forgotten what that feels like.

People treat each other in a horrible way, and yet still want to be treated with respect when they themselves can’t give it to others. And some people get lost in their feelings and therefore become so cruel to both themselves and others. This affects their health and the health of those around them.

I think it’s all about finding your peace. Spirituality can teach you the art of finding peace within yourself. This means you need to start being nice and treat yourself with care. This will help you treat others with care, just like how you want to be treated. And there is peace.

The real question is what does spirituality mean to you? Find some little faith in something that sparks you.

And I hope you find peace as you go through what brings life to you.