Young sailor mourned

The new bridge over the Pomahaka River, Clutha County. Otago Witness, 1.11.1923
The new bridge over the Pomahaka River, Clutha County. Otago Witness, 1.11.1923
Very keen regret was felt in boating circles at the death of Mr J. E. Sayer, who was injured in a collision with a tramcar while riding his motor-cycle. With his brothers Alfred and Albert, he was a part-owner of Miro, the first-class yacht which was shipped to Lyttelton this year. Prior to owning Miro the brothers sailed in Eileen. "Jack" Sayer was popular and highly respected by all who knew him and the sport has lost a young man of character and promise.

The club’s flag was flown half-mast at the Boat Harbour as a token of respect, and the sympathy of boating men goes out to the relatives in their loss. 

A wireless concert

The Dunedin Commercial Travellers’ Choir and Entertainers gave a very successful wireless concert from 4YA station on a 370 metres wave length on Wednesday night. Mr F. J. O’Neill was in charge of the proceedings, and Mr G. Scott conducted the choir.

The items by the choir  were "The Soldiers’ Chorus," "Evening," "On the March," "The Beleaguered," and "The Song of the Bow." A duet was given by Messrs W. M‘Lean and Drummond, Mr R. S. Wardrop told a humorous story and songs were contributed by Messrs T. Ritchie, A. Smellie, H. Hogg, G. Mearns, C. Price, C. King, A. Dempster Sharpe, J. S. Douglas, W. Wilhelmson, and W. G. Rossiter. The accompanist was Miss Alice George.

During the evening several congratulatory messages were received over the telephone, including one from Balclutha, those listening in there being able to hear very distinctly.

A telegram was also received from the Wellington commercial travellers expressing pleasure at the excellent concert provided.

Shop burgled

The shop of Mr George Duncan, tobacconist, Stirling, was burglariously entered some time after 2.50 a.m. on Tuesday, and goods to the value of £l0 were stolen. 

There had been a dance in the Athenaeum Hall, Mr Duncan’s shop being located in the same building, and he acts as caretaker of the hall. When he left at 2.30 a.m. he was careful to lock all the outside doors and also a door opening from his shop into a corridor leading to the hall.

A window of the hall was, however, left open, and later on, when re-opening his shop, Mr Duncan found that the side door referred to had been forced open, and the goods (cigarettes, cheap watches, and chains) abstracted.

Marks were also found on the sill of the window of the hall, showing that someone had entered that way. Constable Maiden, Kaitangata, has been investigating the matter, without so far discovering the culprit. 

Delays at Wakari

At the conference of Hospital Board delegates last night, the chairman (Mr Knight) made the interesting statement that up to date, the cost to the Otago Board for land, buildings, and equipment in connection with the treatment of consumption, was about £52,000. So far the board had been unable to open the Wakari institution, which had cost about £26,000, but it was hoped to open it next year. 

A roaring start

The Auckland Council decided last night (telegraphs our correspondent) that as Dunedin proposes to establish a zoo Auckland would like to be the first to make a donation to it. It was resolved to present a young lion and lioness, both of which are stated to be splendid animals. — ODT, 30.11.1923