Demonstration in Munich
After the Dictator, Dr Kahr, had spoken to a large Nationalist demonstration, denouncing Marxian principles, the Fascist leader, Herr Hitler, entered with 600 men, and announced that the Bavarian Government had been overthrown. He added that the new Government was in the hands of Marshal Ludendorff, Commander-in-Chief, while he would be his political adviser; further, the ex-chief of Munich police, von Roehner had been appointed Administrator, and General von Lossow Minister of Defence. The Hitlerite troops then surrounded the cellars, where Dr Kahr had addressed the Nationalists. Later troops of the Oberland organisation, with Reich colours, occupied a number of places, particularly the open spaces. There is no further news from the cellars, where it is believed that Dr Kahr and Herr Hitler are negotiating.
Moray Place school concert
The Burns Hall was packed to its utmost capacity on Saturday night, when the pupils of the Moray Place School gave their annual concert. The programme was a very comprehensive one, and every item was thoroughly enjoyed by a large and appreciative audience. The concert opened with two items. " Cherry Ripe " and "Birdie’s Message," which were sung in a very pleasing manner by the school choir. Songs, dances, and recitations were given by individual boys and girls of the school, and the school staff also contributed to the programme. A ballet, "Gavotte," was given by Miss Netta Keates’s pupils, while two other most enjoyable items were a selection, "The Marseillaise," by the school pipe band, and a physical drill display by the senior pupils of the school, under the direction of Miss Shaw.
Men in black in the red
Sir.,—What must have come as a shock to all followers of Rugby was the news that the English Rugby Union is not allowing the All Blacks any remuneration at all. Even the 3s per day which the 1905 All Blacks received is to be disallowed. This proceeding must arouse the indignation of all sportsmen. Does the English Rugby Union know that our men are all working men, and that to refuse them any allowance is to force them to refrain from going ? I would suggest that a fund be organised throughout New Zealand with the object of securing sufficient funds to allow our 23 men (plus two managers, or one manager and one coach) to be provided with 3s per day pocket money. One cannot by any trick of reasoning call men professionals who are in receipt of such an allowance. Real professional men get from £5 to £20 a week at Home. If the tour extends over 24 weeks that would mean £25 4s per player at 3s a day, so that £800 all told would be sufficient to provide pocket allowances for 30 men. I think that if the Otago Rugby Union would take this idea up and circularise the other unions we should soon have all Rugby sportsmen giving their sixpences to help to secure our married players, for there is no doubt that some of our leading players, especially the married men, would find it absolutely impossible to afford the expense of such a tour. Trusting that Mr White, as one of our "live wires" in the Rugby Union, will take this matter up.—I am, etc., George T. N. Leslie.—ODT, 11.11.1923