Shortly after 9 o’clock the procession started through huge masses of silent people. The coffin was borne in the same caisson which carried the Unknown Soldier, and it was drawn by six horses, escorted by General Pershing and a cavalry escort. Flanking the caisson walked members of cabinet and pall-bearers representing both houses of Congress. Immediately following the coffin rode Mrs Harding and relatives. Then followed President Coolidge, Chief Justice Taft, Mr Woodrow Wilson, the foreign ambassadors, the Supreme Court justices, foreign ministers, senators, members of the House of Representatives, state governors, federal officials, veterans and representatives of public bodies. As the procession got under way the bands played "Onward, Christian Soldiers", "Rock of Ages", and "Nearer, My God, to Thee".
It is estimated that 100,000 people thronged the route. Meanwhile a distinguished gathering waited within the Capitol around the catafalque. At the Capitol, the coffin was placed on the catafalque, and the invocation was delivered by Pastor Calvary, of the Baptist Church, which was Mr Harding’s place of worship, a male quartet from which sang "Lead, Kindly, Light".The twenty-third Psalm and other scriptures were then read, followed by prayers by the Congressional chaplains, the hymn "Nearer, My God, to Thee", and the Benediction. Mrs Harding, heavily veiled, sat at the right of the casket, near Mr Harding’s secretary, and wept bitterly. The service lasted but a few minutes. Then the Diplomatic Corps paid its respects.The mourners left the Capitol shortly afterwards, and the doors were thrown open to admit the public to view the body.
Thousands had been standing in line since early morning. Over 200 persons were prostrated by the heat during the procession and funeral services. Business was suspended at stock exchanges and business houses throughout the country. Memorial services were held in all the churches simultaneously with the Washington ceremonies.
The price of high office
Six American presidents have died during their term of office, three of them killed by overwork, if Mr Harding’s case is a guide — "assassinated by a 24-hour working day", say the doctors; the other three assassinated by pistol shot. — ODT, 11.8.1923
Compiled by Peter Dowden