Tuapeka town looking its best

Lawrence, in Tuapeka County; for many years a gold mining centre: 640 acres, population 725. —...
Lawrence, in Tuapeka County; for many years a gold mining centre: 640 acres, population 725. — Otago Witness, 20.3.1923
LAWRENCE: The beautiful weather experienced during the past two weeks has almost changed the face of the country.

There has been a fine growth of vegetation, and the landscape at present reveals a very pleasing picture to the eye. The narcissi, for which the town is somewhat famed, are now coming into prominence; the earlier varieties are in bloom, and within a couple of weeks there should be a magnificent display on the Reservoir Hill, the Peace Garden, on the Wetherstone hillside and in the private gardens. A popular topic of conversation in Lawrence during the past few weeks has been the closing of the Wetherstones brewery, which, in addition to the giving of employment to quite a number of families, has added considerably to the volume of trade. As a result of the removal of some of the families to Dunedin, where they have found positions, the Lawrence District High School will be affected to some extent, and unless something unforeseen occurs there is not a doubt that the school staff will suffer a reduction at the end of the current year.

Bird by-product as healant

The weka, when it has reared its young, and they are able to fend for themselves, becomes much more fastidious. In view of approaching winter, the weka then seeks certain berries and roots that contain comparatively large quantities of oil. Weka oil obtained then is of the highest value. It seems to be assimilated readily from a particular sort of root, not yet recorded. In one case a lady’s throat had swelled up and become black inside, making breathing difficult.

Several remedies proved in vain, and the trouble increased. Weka oil then was used, some being put down the throat, which became normal in two hours. Old running sores, treated with weka oil, have become healthy in a few days, and have been completely healed.

Reverse thrust lessens impact

A serious accident was narrowly averted in Highgate about 6 o’clock last night. Dunblane street, a narrow road (on the left-hand side, going north) opening into Highgate, provides a constant opportunity for a mishap in that traffic coming out of it is immediately right on to the tram line, and there is limited opportunity for a vehicle approaching to see a tram coming down the line. The motormen on the trams make a practice of ringing their bell, but this provision is not always sufficient, as other noises might drown the sound of the clanging bell. Last night a tram travelling down the hill was suddenly confronted with the fore-part of a motor car. The motorman straightway reversed the power, and the car was brought to a halt with a jolt and then receded. But this had not been effected without first striking the motor car in the rear portion and pushing it forward. Fortunately neither vehicle was damaged.

Baby committed to care

A male infant, six months of age, came before the Juvenile Court yesterday morning, and was committed to the Industrial School as a child whose parents are in indigent circumstances. Mr H.W. Bundle SM presided.

ODT, 11.9.1923  (Compiled by Peter Dowden)