Settlers’ Association stalwarts . . .

George Calder, left, and Dr Robert Fulton, both late of Dunedin. — Otago Witness, 27.5.1924/13.5...
George Calder, left, and Dr Robert Fulton, both late of Dunedin. — Otago Witness, 27.5.1924/13.5.1924
The monthly meeting of the committee of the Otago Early Settlers' Association was held in the board room yesterday afternoon.

The president (Mr W.H. Ferens) feelingly referred to the great loss which the association had suffered through the deaths of Mr George Calder and Dr Fulton, who had been esteemed and respected members of the association, and asked the committee to stand as a mark of respect.

 . . . included ornithologist

Very naturally the opening meeting for the year of the Otago Institute last night was a tribute to the late Dr Robert Fulton. The president, Dr W.N. Benson, before delivering his presidential address, called the attention of members to the very severe  loss which the Institute and indeed the city had suffered in Dr Fulton’s death.

They should recall with great appreciation his services to science in connection with that Institute, which he joined in 1898, and on the council of which he served for the last 19 years and was twice elected president. It was chiefly as a bird lover that Dr Fulton’s scientific fame would last. From the time of his first presidential address in 1937 on the disappearance of our native birds he had continued to lead the activity of the Institute in endeavouring to obtain adequate legal protection for New Zealand bird-life. Dr Fulton was a very frequent visitor to the Museum, bringing specimens of birds and always ready to give information about the native birds in which he had taken a life-long interest. He was very active at one time in attempting to get the protection of seals continued and to get the Government to take active steps to protect the birds, especially in such seaside resorts as Stewart Island and elsewhere.

Gender on court agenda

Proceedings at the criminal sessions of the Supreme Court in Dunedin have not been entirely devoid of light relief. An eminent advocate observed, perhaps more sententiously than originally, that "no man had yet been able to fathom the workings of a woman's mind." A lady lawyer might give the dictum in converse form, and hint that the operations of masculine mentality furnish a perpetual puzzle to the less subtle sex. As yet there are no jurywomen in New Zealand, which lags behind the Mother Country in some matters; but that need is likely to be supplied before the twentieth century has celebrated its jubilee, and then counsel will cannily refrain from commenting in court upon the unfathomability of the feminine mind.

— by ‘Wayfarer’

Vigorous singing

Sawyers Bay opened its community singing season at the local hall last Saturday. The district has since the inception of the movement maintained a healthy singing meeting, and the initial gathering of the season, judging from the numbers present and the vigour of the singing, indicates sustained interest. A new song sheet has been prepared, and Mr T.C. Kettle, skilled in leading and teaching new numbers, secured excellent results. Miss M. Taylor accompanied on the new piano which was recently installed. The proceeds of the meetings, which, owing to the hall not being available every week, will be held fortnightly this season, are to be devoted to the piano fund.

ODT, 14.5.1924   (Compiled by Peter Dowden)