![British light cruiser HMS Dunedin, pictured in fighting trim with all guns trained and cruising...](https://www.odt.co.nz/sites/default/files/story/2024/03/hms_dud_at_sea_1924.jpg)
Local broadcaster powers up
4YA transmitted on Saturday evening on 500 watts, and reports indicate that the concert was a great success, in some instances the music being heard a considerable distance away from the loudspeakers. This was the first occasion the new generator was used, and 4YA will now transmit on 400W, and if necessity arises the 500W will be brought into operation.
Asbestos option considered
The weekly meeting of directors of the New Zealand and South Seas Exhibition Co was held last night. The matter of asbestos sheets and corrugated iron for the outside walls was discussed, and it was resolved that when the question of timber supply was settled the directors be recommended to authorise the architect to call for alternative tenders for one or more buildings in asbestos sheet and corrugated iron.
Bush sickness still a mystery
The curious ailment of cattle peculiar to certain parts of New Zealand, known as "bush sickness," was reported upon to the Board of Agriculture at its last meeting. An outline of the progress made and of the work at present being carried on at the experimental farm at Mamaku was furnished. Mr Aston, who is dealing with the chemistry side of the investigation, in cooperation with the livestock division, stated that the results so far arrived at were gratifying, and the current work was holding out prospects of a still further advance in the knowledge possessed regarding bush sickness and the methods to be adopted in order to overcome it.
‘What shall we play?’
How many times a mother must answer that question! Not only at home for her own children, but at the neighbourhood parties or picnics she is asked to suggest a game. An apple race for boys amuses onlookers as well as the boys. Apples are placed on the floor or grass, one for each boy, and they must be rolled a certain distance and returned, the boys using only their noses. A mock motor car race should prove a great success. As many groups can take part as there is room for on the race track, each group choosing a particular make of car to represent. Then a relay race begins. One of each group races across the yard, turns a chair around, sits on it, rises and turns the chair back again before returning home for the second racer to start. — ODT, 14.3.1924
Compiled by Peter Dowden