The new structure, which is almost completed, is substantially built of brick, and consists of two infant classrooms, each measuring 28ft by 26ft, a teachers' sitting room 14ft square, and two rooms with open fronts for the tuition of the children in fine weather.
Special attention has been given to lighting and ventilation, which are on the most up-to-date methods. The new building is designed to accommodate 140 pupils.
At present the old style of desks is in use, but these will be replaced with the latest system - a single desk for each child.
Girls' education
The speaker made special reference to the need for encouraging the physical development of girls. It was of absolute importance that more attention should be given to this question if we were to conserve the vigour and vitality of our race. We should aim at securing for the girls sound minds and sound bodies.
The moral as well as the physical welfare of the country depended primarily upon the training and healthy upbringing of children.
This work had been assigned by nature and custom to women, who should see that their girls were equipped in a manner which would enable them to undertake the management of the home and the care and nurture of children.
Domestic science was being given its rightful place in the educational system of the dominion. New Zealand was proud of the achievements and character of her soldiers, but credit must be given to their good mothers.
Oval dressing rooms
One of the sights of the city is the Oval on a Saturday afternoon, when the various sports are in full swing. There are to be seen girls at hockey, boys and youths at Rugby, girls at basket ball, and boys and young men at Association football and hockey.
The animated scene on this splendid commodious area attracts large numbers of persons. It has long been felt that some suitable dressing accommodation should be provided.
At present the ladies have to throw off their outer garments and impediments alongside the hedge or the goal posts, and the males have mostly to do likewise or accept the cover of an open shed, the use of which is granted by the host of an adjacent hotel.
It is quite a common thing for the clothes to be gone through and any valuables extracted. It is satisfactory to hear that the need has at last prompted action, and that it is the intention of Messrs R. Bennell and E. L. Macassey to promote a concert to raise funds to build pavilions on the Oval.
Gift of bowls
Mr C. R Smith (president of the Dominion of New Zealand Bowling Association) has received a letter from Major Richardson, officer in command of the garrison at Samoa, thanking him for the 20 sets of bowls and a number of jacks which were sent over recently for the use of the officers and men on duty there.
The bowls were a gift from the clubs in the Dunedin centre. Major Richardson adds that there are two bowling greens ready - one at the wireless station and one at Apia. The game has taken on well. It is a suitable pastime for the climate.
- ODT, 29.8.1918