A household name

Meat on display at Barton and Trengrove butchery, Manse St, Dunedin. — Otago Witness, 1.7.1924
Meat on display at Barton and Trengrove butchery, Manse St, Dunedin. — Otago Witness, 1.7.1924
Barton and Trengrove's famous sugarcured bacon is unsurpassable for breakfast.

Sales continually increasing, an all-sufficient advertisement — Manse street (and all branches).

Rails extend up valley

The local Public Works Department has a large number of men employed in Otago at the present time. Some 205 men are working on the Beaumont-Miller's Flat railway, engaged in earthwork, ballasting, the erection of bridges, fencing etc. It is expected that this line will he open for traffic by next September, in time to carry the fruit from the district to Dunedin. The rails have now been laid within three miles of Miller’s Flat.

Debtor loses suit

A defendant who was proceeded against on a judgment summons at the Magistrate’s Court yesterday made a vigorous protest against paying the amount claimed. He asserted that he was a man with a family of 13, and was quite able to meet his engagements. The claim, he said, was of two years’ standing, but he had known nothing about it till three or four weeks ago. It was a question of living within his means, and if this sort of thing went on he would be in the Bankruptcy Court. He worked away from home during the week and came home on Saturday, and left again for work on Sunday. "It is not fair", he said, "for a man to come to my door and wheedle my wife into buying things. The articles were not required ... I never knew these things were not paid for. This is what I am up against, and I am determined to put a stop to it." Finally plaintiff was nonsuited.

Port widow dies

There passed away at Port Chalmers on Monday an old and respected resident in the person of Mrs J. Moir, whose husband predeceased her a few years ago. Mrs Moir was born at Ballarat, and when a little girl came to Port Chalmers, where she had resided over since. Two of her three sons were killed in action during the war. At the time of her death Mrs Moir was residing with her daughter, Mrs Roddick, whose husband was accidentally killed in London last month on board the Westmoreland, of which he was the chief engineer.

What a modern mother needs

To the editor: Sir, Every woman should demand her rights and they are these: A doctor in attendance early in the confinement in case anything needs rectifying to avoid later trouble and complications. In prolonged labour, whiffs of chloroform and every attention and kindness. Doctors like to walk in "when all is over". They are not paid to do this. Most nurses like to please the doctor, and so let the patient suffer. Luckily there are exceptions, but they are few. May I say that Dunedin is surprisingly old-fashioned, and it is left to other towns to be scientific and humane. In concluding, may I ask if our "leave to nature" doctors have their teeth extracted without gas or injection as was done one hundred years ago? Do they still use candles instead of our modern electric light? Has science done so much and yet stopped short at the one thing that occurs daily — and matters so much — a confinement? The lowliest woman who has a healthy child has done more national work than any politician, and yet the majority got no thanks, and worse — no humane help. Let the women see how much national spirit the doctors and politicians have. If money is spent wisely in the furtherance of humane methods, watch the birth-rate!

— I am, etc, A 1924 Mother, Kurow, June 14

ODT, 18.6.1924  (Compiled by Peter Dowden)