Brighton’s bathing amenities

A police officer signals approaching traffic to stop; signals the same traffic to wait while...
A police officer signals approaching traffic to stop; signals the same traffic to wait while opposing traffic is also signalled to stop and, with a sweep of the arm, releases traffic to go. Otago Witness, 28.8.1923
The regular meeting of the Brighton Domain Board was held at Brighton on Saturday night, and was attended by Messrs Stevenson (chairman), D. M'Intosh, W. J. Hobbs, G. Bush, G. Reid, D. M‘Coll, F. Mitchell, and A. J. Allen. The Chairman reported that the bathing shed (72ft long) for men and boys was completed and ready for use. This was built above the high-water mark and should be perfectly safe in this position.

Above the building, on a level portion of the domain, a scrub shelter had been erected for the protection of sun-bathers. The ladies’ and girls’ bathing sheds had been attended to, also the conveniences on the domain. Gorse and scrub had been grubbed out and burnt, and the whole of the property vested in the board was looking at its best. The matter of erecting swings and seesaws on the domain was held over in the meantime.

Council cleans up

The large quantity of rubbish shifted by the City Corporation carts during "cleaning-up week" has evidently impressed the council with the necessity of continuing the work. The General Committee of the City Council will recommend to the fortnightly meeting on Wednesday night that authority be granted to institute a regular service for the collection and removal of refuse not ordinarily taken by the dustcarts. One additional team would be required and would be employed wholly on this service, doing a regular round of duty so that all portions of the city would be covered at certain regular intervals. The employment of one team on full time on the work is estimated to cost £460 per annum, and it is proposed to provide for the expenditure in the estimates for next financial year. The service would commence on April 1 next. 

Commuters’ needs flagged 

A group of residents of the Rothesay, Inverallan, and Maia districts, near Ravensbourne, met yesterday afternoon to form the nucleus of a league to secure a railway flag station at the foot of De Lacey street. It is estimated that from 250 to 300 residents have to walk, some of them over a mile, to the present, railway station at Ravensbourne, and this has been a considerable hardship, particularly in winter time. It is claimed that the flag station was promised to Maia residents some 10 years ago. A requisition to the Minister of Railways has been drawn up and is now being signed. It is estimated that nearly 150 regular adult passengers and a number of schoolboys and schoolgirls are affected. 

Bonuses for Lestrange and Hogan

The Water Committee recommends that, in accordance with the decision of council to grant the chief works inspector a bonus of £100 on condition that the excavating work at the Southern Reservoir was completed in time to permit of the filling of the reservoir before the incoming dry weather season, authority be now granted to pay such bonus to the officer named. The committee is of opinion that the work has been pushed on with very commendable expedition and that the condition imposed by the council with respect to the granting of the bonus has been complied with. The committee also recommends that the two foremen on the works, Messrs Lestrange and Hogan, be granted a bonus of £25 each as some recompense for the energetic and efficient manner in which they carried out their responsibilities night and day during the time the digging was going on. — ODT, 18.11.1923