Ohau open despite damage

Controlled avalanche last week damaged some equipment at the Ohau Snow Field, but the field continues to operate.

Skifield operator Mike Neilson said a heavy snowfall of 25cm in four hours after two weeks of mostly fine weather made for ideal avalanche conditions.

The Ohau snow patrol set about eliminating the hazard by setting off explosives in the starting zones of the avalanche paths around the field.

Early on Friday, the control work released snow from Sutton and Rock Ribs.

"All other staff, the field manager and groomer operator had removed all mobile plant out of the danger zone and were watching from safe high ground.

"The considerable volume of snow that was released into these paths resulted in the return bull wheel tower of the platter being shifted to the other side of the lower learners' area and a shed being destroyed," Mr Neilson said.

However, 300 guests were still able to take advantage of safe skiing and snowboarding conditions at the weekend, having had the avalanche danger diffused by the snow control team.

The weekend's events also included the Ohau "Irish Hooley" with excellent crowds.

Mr Neilson said the platter lift would be out of action for the rest of the season but, with the extra capacity now provided by the snow mat lift (magic carpet) and the excellent snow cover on the widened Boulevard easy trail accessed by the chairlift, there should be no problem keeping skiers happy.

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