Judge's wool industry comment challenged

I take extreme exception to the comments made by Judge Jane Farish on sentencing a youth from the shearing industry and to the accentuation of one comment by your newspaper (ODT, 17.11.09) with regard to negative role models in the shearing industry.

It not only portrays the industry in an unfavourable light but is totally unsubstantiated.

Yes, it highlights a social problem common in our society but it is not solely, if indeed at all, that of any one specific industry or profession.

In the 30-plus years of my involvement in the wool-harvesting industry, I have yet to experience anything along the lines that have been insinuated.

In fact, the majority (90%) from my perspective is of a positive role model nature.

As in every faction of the community, the minority is the exception rather than the rule.

I would be pleased to receive any conclusive evidence that indicates the wool-harvesting industry is any worse than any other in relation to failing to provide good role models or the promotion of positive and appropriate sexual boundaries, as has been suggested.

The sense of family provided among the industry is something I can identify with and has been the making of many of the young people introduced in to the industry by the development of not only their working skills but personal life skills, such as communication, respect for themselves, others and the community that they have previously been lacking in.

I am unsure whether Judge Farish has based her unfortunately negative statement on either any facts and figures or from personal experience.

It is, of course, a concern for our industry if it is seen to be portrayed in this manner to the public from such a seemingly respected source.

I am proud to be associated with such an underrated, hard-working and skilled industry.

Those whom I work alongside have enriched my life in a positive and enhancing manner.

Barbara Newton
St Clair
(Barbara Newton is a registered New Zealand professional wool classer.)

- In recognition of the importance of readers' contribution to the letters page, the newspaper each week selects a Letter of the Week, with a book prize courtesy of Dunedin publisher Longacre Press. This week's winner, Barbara Newton, receives a copy of Bruce Ansley's Gods and Little Fishes, Longacre Press, $39.99.

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