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The Trocks, a New York-based company of all male ballet dancers perform during a dress rehearsal at the Royal Theatre in Sydney, Australia. Photo Rick Rycroft/AP.

A carnival goer wearing an Obama mask, is kissed, while celebrating the start of the carnival season in Cologne, Germany. Many of those celebrating wore masks to protect themselves against swine influenza. The motto of the season in Cologne is: "Kissed...

An unidentified member on a JROTC honour guard participates in a Veteran's Day ceremony in Omaha, Nebraska. Photo Nati Harnik/AP.

A model displays a creation by pastry chef Kotatsu Kanda during the Tokyo Sweets Collection 2009 fashion show in Tokyo, Japan. Photo Itsuo Inouye/AP.

Iraqi women police officers parade during a police graduation ceremony, at Baghdad's Police College, at the Ministry of Interior complex, Iraq. Photo Petros Giannakouris/AP.

A Chinese man wipes the snow from his car parked outside an apartment in Beijing, China. Photo Andy Wong/AP.

A decorated human skull for the Natitas Festival is seen after a mass in a Catholic church at a cemetery in La Paz, Bolivia. "Natitas" are human skulls from unnamed, abandoned graves that when cared for and decorated are believed to protect one from...

Gian-Luca Cavigelli from Switzerland in action during the qualification heat of the International Ski Federation (FIS) World Cup snowboard big air competition as part of the Snow Show festival at the Olympic Stadium in Barcelona, Spain. Gian-Luca...

Contestants compete in a bodybuilding competition held in the Acapulco cinema in Havana, Cuba. Contestants from around the island participated in Cuba's 23rd National Bodybuilding Championship to show their skills. Photo Javier Galeano/AP.

A 46 year old Volkswagen Beetle with a plate of former East Germany is seen in the garden of Otto Weymann in Fuldatal near Kassel, central Germany. Weymann says he bought the car exactly 20 years ago on November 9 from two East Germans who had just...