Mr Potiki was appointed as the Otakou runanga representative for a three-year term on Friday.
He will step down as Otakou runanga chairman at the annual meeting on Sunday.
He was appointed by the runanga appointments committee, and has replaced Hine Forsyth as the Otakou representative on the 18-strong tribal council.
"I am very pleased to get my feet under the table and getting used to being on the board side of things," he said.
Just weeks after being appointed runanga chairman in November 2006, Mr Potiki resigned as Ngai Tahu chief executive, a position he held for five years, citing a desire to return to Otago with his family.
Mr Potiki said he would like to see the board put behind it the politics of the past 10 years, and work with the 18 runanga for "greater cohesion".
Ngai Tahu needed to invest more in its people and culture, and profits from collectively held assets should be distributed more directly to local runanga.
"At the moment, a significant proportion is absorbed by tribal bureaucracy."
Mr Potiki said he had no problem working with chairman Mark Solomon, who was under fire earlier this year following a series of leaked emails.
Tahu Potiki
Aged 42.
Ngai Tahu chief executive 2002-07.
Maori Television board member.
Otakou runanga chairman 2006-09.
Otago, Southland District Health Boards member.