Missing diver feared dead

Police say it is unlikely a diver missing on the West Coast has survived.

The 37-year-old man was reported missing about 12.30pm today from Hapuka Rock in Jackson's Bay, 44km southwest of Haast.

The search for the man was suspended for the night about 6.30pm, Tasman District assistant search and rescue co-ordinator Sherp Tucker said.

Four helicopters had scoured the area and search and rescue teams had searched all the coastline where he could have come ashore without finding any trace of the man, he told NZPA.

Visibility had been superb and the search area was only about 15 square nautical miles, Mr Tucker said.

"It's very unlikely that he has survived at this stage."

The man had been diving with a friend, who had also searched unsuccessfully for about an hour after his friend failed to surface, before calling for help, Mr Tucker said.

"Unfortunately it looks like the diver may have actually submerged towards the bottom and hasn't come to the surface."

Police divers would head out tomorrow to search, he said.

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