Governance review by university student body draws 21 submissions

Edwin Darlow
Edwin Darlow
Twenty-one general submissions have been received by the Otago University Students Association (OUSA) on its proposal to overhaul its governance structure.

All the submissions were from individuals, president Edwin Darlow said this week.

Discussions would also be held with "relevant stakeholders" such as life members, management staff, the Te Roopu Maori student organisation and OUSA clubs and societies leaders.

Mr Darlow announced the review several months ago, saying it was time to consider whether the present structure of a 17-member executive and its present decision-making processes were still appropriate.

He has made his own views clear, calling the structure "convoluted".

The review was temporarily on hold until after elections for the 2010 leadership team were completed on August 27, he said.

The new executive takes office from January 1.

Mr Darlow is not seeking re-election to any position.

If any changes were to be recommended for OUSA, it was important that be done in conjunction with the incoming executive, he said.

"Possibly some people on this year's executive will still be there next year. It makes sense to work in consultation with the new executive to maximise the chance any changes recommended will be implemented."

No firm proposals or recommendations have yet emerged from the review.

They would come once submissions had been considered and stakeholder discussions held, Mr Darlow said.

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