University to consult unions

The two unions representing the largest number of staff at the University of Otago say while they will not be part of the task force examining cost-cutting options, they have been assured they will be consulted before important decisions are made.

Tertiary Education Union branch president Teresa La Rooy and Public Service Association local organiser Keith McFadyen on Wednesday said university vice-chancellor Prof Sir David Skegg had met members of five unions on August 6.

That was the day before he sent an email to all staff announcing the appointment of a task force to oversee cost cutting across all departments over the next 18 months.

In the email, Prof Skegg said it seemed inevitable there would be job losses, and it was possible some programmes would close, as the university prepared for a significant drop in government funding for 2011.

The task force comprises senior academic and financial staff.

Mr McFadyen said the ideal situation would have been for a union representative to have been appointed to the task force too, particularly if its decisions affected members' jobs.

Even though that had not happened, the union wanted regular updates from the task force.

"We want to be engaging in the process and participating before decisions are made, not to be faced with outcomes [afterwards]."

That view was shared by Ms La Rooy.

Both said they wanted to ensure there were no surprises for their members.

Ms La Rooy said the reaction from staff to Prof Skegg's email had been muted.

"People knew it was a rough time for the economy, with businesses closing and some people losing their jobs. They were not surprised to hear a task force had been established here. I think everyone feels they have been given fair warning."

Both she and Mr McFadyen said their unions were keen to work with the university to explore all cost-cutting options in the hope job losses could be avoided or minimised.


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