A woman accused of a stabbing 10 days ago was back in Tauranga District Court today charged with a breach of bail conditions.
Lesley Edwards, 50, who appeared on February 23 on a count of wounding with intent to cause grievous bodily harm, had been consuming alcohol, Judge Louis Bidois was told.
Police found her drinking last Saturday, a week after she allegedly stabbed a man in the chest, head and arm at a Mt Maunganui house.
No plea has been entered on the more serious charge. Her bail had been subject to special conditions including a nightly curfew, residential and non-association clauses, no alcohol or illegal drugs, and a ban on contacting the victim.
Alcohol was an issue with Edwards, her lawyer Glenn Barnett said.
He told Judge Bidois the woman could now live at the Break Through Ministry with stringent bail conditions and a 24-hour curfew unless accompanied by an approved member of the ministry staff.
The judge agreed and warned Edwards that any further breaches would see her run the risk of "being locked up until this matter has been dealt with - and that could take some time".
He said he had no doubt time at the Break Through Ministry would help her as a person.
"You make the most of this opportunity."